I think it depends on “alignment to what?”. If we talk about evolution process, then sure, we have a lot of examples like that. My idea was more about “humans can be aligned to their children by some mechanism which was found by evolution and this is a somewhat robust”.
So if we think about “how our attachment to something not-childish aligned with our children” well… technically, we will spend some resources on our pets, but it usually never really affects the welfare of our children in any notable way. So it is an acceptable failure, I guess? I wouldn’t mind if some powerful AGI will love all the humans and will try to ensure their happy future while at the same time will have some weird non-human hobbies/attachments which is still less prioritized than our wellbeing, kind of like parents that spend some free time on pets.
When someone becomes maternally attached towards a dog, doesn’t this count as an out-of-distribution alignment failure?
I think it depends on “alignment to what?”. If we talk about evolution process, then sure, we have a lot of examples like that. My idea was more about “humans can be aligned to their children by some mechanism which was found by evolution and this is a somewhat robust”.
So if we think about “how our attachment to something not-childish aligned with our children” well… technically, we will spend some resources on our pets, but it usually never really affects the welfare of our children in any notable way. So it is an acceptable failure, I guess? I wouldn’t mind if some powerful AGI will love all the humans and will try to ensure their happy future while at the same time will have some weird non-human hobbies/attachments which is still less prioritized than our wellbeing, kind of like parents that spend some free time on pets.