Neither of these suggestions (nor the one in the sub-comment) are useful for what I had in mind. The goal is not have ways of staying positive no matter what—such as by looking for silver linings irrespectively of whether they are there or not. I expect this would give me incentives against looking at the world clearly. Rather, the hard constraint is to keep my beliefs as close to reality as I can, and the question is how to do that without becoming emotionally detached.
Ty for the comment, I will rephrase the original question to clarify.
Neither of these suggestions (nor the one in the sub-comment) are useful for what I had in mind. The goal is not have ways of staying positive no matter what—such as by looking for silver linings irrespectively of whether they are there or not. I expect this would give me incentives against looking at the world clearly. Rather, the hard constraint is to keep my beliefs as close to reality as I can, and the question is how to do that without becoming emotionally detached.
Ty for the comment, I will rephrase the original question to clarify.