65. You will prevent yourself from even having thoughts that could lower your status. Avoid blocking yourself off just so people keep thinking you’re cool.
It’s a statement about the dangers of self-censorship.
If, for instance, your friend group has a common disdain for pop music, you might find that even in your private thoughts you are unwilling to consider whether or not you might like the latest Taylor Swift album.
This type of thought avoidance can be very subtle and insidious, and difficult to notice if you’re not actively looking for it.
What does that mean?
It’s a statement about the dangers of self-censorship.
If, for instance, your friend group has a common disdain for pop music, you might find that even in your private thoughts you are unwilling to consider whether or not you might like the latest Taylor Swift album.
This type of thought avoidance can be very subtle and insidious, and difficult to notice if you’re not actively looking for it.