What is the supernatural? How can the universe contain phenomena that can be described as “not natural?” In the past, rain, lightning, fire, eclipses, and reproduction were thought to be supernatural events, and they all have been satisfactorily explained. What space is left for the supernatural in our understanding of reality?
Assuming the universe has a supernatural origin, what suggests that said origin is a deity? Alternatively, assuming a deity is detectable, what suggests that said deity is a creator?
Assuming we can detect the deity (or deities, creator or not), what is your evidence that said deity is the Christian one?
Contemporary neuroscience has pretty much done away with the “soul” concept. How is such an idea still defensible?
The biblical creation story has been disproved by geology and biology. Why should that story still matter, why still keep it as sacredly important to this religion?
What would you expect the universe to look like if there were no deity? What evidence would hint to you that we already live in such a universe?
What is the supernatural? How can the universe contain phenomena that can be described as “not natural?” In the past, rain, lightning, fire, eclipses, and reproduction were thought to be supernatural events, and they all have been satisfactorily explained. What space is left for the supernatural in our understanding of reality?
Assuming the universe has a supernatural origin, what suggests that said origin is a deity? Alternatively, assuming a deity is detectable, what suggests that said deity is a creator?
Assuming we can detect the deity (or deities, creator or not), what is your evidence that said deity is the Christian one?
Contemporary neuroscience has pretty much done away with the “soul” concept. How is such an idea still defensible?
The biblical creation story has been disproved by geology and biology. Why should that story still matter, why still keep it as sacredly important to this religion?
What would you expect the universe to look like if there were no deity? What evidence would hint to you that we already live in such a universe?
If you make everything out of probability wobbles, that creates a perfect alibi if you want to mess around.