Imagine a dumbbell shaped space-time, two hyper-spheres, each the size of the observable universe connected by a thin wormhole. While that wormhole remains open, both pieces are part of the same universe, when the wormhole collapses,the universe is suddenly smaller, and the probability we should assign to a planet producing intelligent life grows. If we knew the wormhole would collapse next week, we would break conservation of expected evidence.
Imagine a dumbbell shaped space-time, two hyper-spheres, each the size of the observable universe connected by a thin wormhole. While that wormhole remains open, both pieces are part of the same universe, when the wormhole collapses,the universe is suddenly smaller, and the probability we should assign to a planet producing intelligent life grows. If we knew the wormhole would collapse next week, we would break conservation of expected evidence.
That’s a universe in two disconnected pieces, not two universes.
(and I’m still uncertain about what to do with many worlds and quantum mechanics, see )