You don’t secure an ideal public image by being gentle.
Don’t start a war if you don’t expect to be able to win it. It is much easier to damage a reputation than to build one, especially if you support a cause that can easily trigger the absurdity heuristic in third-party people.
Being rude to people who don’t get it will just cause them to reinforce their opinion and tell everyone that you are wrong instead. Which will work, because your arguments are complex and in support of something that sounds a lot like science fiction.
A better route is to just ignore them, if you are not willing to discuss the matter over, or to explain how exactly they are wrong. And if you consider both routes to be undesirable, then do it like FHI and don’t host a public forum.
Being gratuitously rude to people isn’t the point. ‘Maintaining a garden’ for the purpose of optimal PR involves far more targeted and ruthless intervention. “Weeds” (those who are likely to try sabotage your reputation, otherwise interfere with your goals, or significantly provoke ‘rudeness’ from others) are removed early before they have a chance to take root.
Counterprediction: The optimal degree of implementation of that policy for the purpose of PR maximisation is somewhat higher than it currently is.
You don’t secure an ideal public image by being gentle.
Don’t start a war if you don’t expect to be able to win it. It is much easier to damage a reputation than to build one, especially if you support a cause that can easily trigger the absurdity heuristic in third-party people.
Being rude to people who don’t get it will just cause them to reinforce their opinion and tell everyone that you are wrong instead. Which will work, because your arguments are complex and in support of something that sounds a lot like science fiction.
A better route is to just ignore them, if you are not willing to discuss the matter over, or to explain how exactly they are wrong. And if you consider both routes to be undesirable, then do it like FHI and don’t host a public forum.
Being gratuitously rude to people isn’t the point. ‘Maintaining a garden’ for the purpose of optimal PR involves far more targeted and ruthless intervention. “Weeds” (those who are likely to try sabotage your reputation, otherwise interfere with your goals, or significantly provoke ‘rudeness’ from others) are removed early before they have a chance to take root.