Yeah, “Moloch consumes your slack” seems to be the common pattern.
It is not a strict law; Moloch doesn’t eat all existing slack, but there seems to be such thing as “too much slack” that Moloch notices and starts doing something about it.
A new tool increasing your productivity by 10% might go unnoticed for a long time, but a tool increasing your productivity by 100% overnight will get noticed. (Just guessing here.)
Yeah, “Moloch consumes your slack” seems to be the common pattern.
It is not a strict law; Moloch doesn’t eat all existing slack, but there seems to be such thing as “too much slack” that Moloch notices and starts doing something about it.
A new tool increasing your productivity by 10% might go unnoticed for a long time, but a tool increasing your productivity by 100% overnight will get noticed. (Just guessing here.)