Decision theory and partition dependence

I’m trying to understand partition dependence in causal decision theories and I’m struggling to think of a case where an act (as opposed to simply the expected utility) is partition dependent. Some detail (very much in order of what I’m wanting to figure out):

1.) I known that Joyce’s causal decision theory is partition-invariant but Sobel’s and Lewis’s theories aren’t and require some specification of what partition is adequate. What happens if such a specification isn’t provided? More specifically, what’s an example of a decision problem where the acts are partition dependent if you don’t ensure you use only adequate partitions?

2.) Extending this: If you do make sure to only use adequate partitions, are there still problems with partition-dependence (other than the small world/​grand world problem that Joyce talks about)? In other words, do current definitions of adequate partions:

i.) Ensure that no act will be partition dependent in decision problems that can be discussed.

ii.) Allow all decision problems to be discussed.

I guess what I’m trying to figure out is what the problem of decision dependence is. Is the problem that it means you require a definition of adequate partitions (but that such a definition is easy to find and solves the problem)? Or even with such a definition, does partition dependence still cause problems? Are these problems just about small world/​grand world stuff or are they about other partition related issues as well?

I can’t seem to get my head around it and was hoping some concrete answers to my questions would help. Anyone able to help?