I constructed the second graph manually, by recording the number of results of 22 queries at OpenVAERS. OpenVAERS (which I learned about through Steve K) says it provides the same data as the government.
Edit: I’m inclined to think that a major reason that the number for 2021 is higher in my chart is because I produced my chart 3 weeks later. As of Jan 17 2022, the number of deaths reported by OpenVAERS for “covid19” in 2021 is 21,427, giving an average rate of 412 weekly death reports. I was surprised to learn that only 46% of these were for age 65+, but it turns out that only 16% of these are for under age 65, so apparently 38% of the deaths occurred in people with no age whatsoever. Also, while the number of death reports is greater in the second half of the year, there has been a dramatic increase in ageless death reports since June. Hmm… it seems like about 15,558 of the reports were filed since I last checked in June, of which about 6800 of the new reports are ageless (44%). That is pretty weird. And indeed, the first report I clicked on at random, said that a person of unknown age and gender in an unknown state, with unknown medical history, suffered from an unknown cause of death on an unknown date after taking a JANSSEN vaccine! I don’t think this is what Weinstein and Kirsch had in mind when they talked about underreporting!
I constructed the second graph manually, by recording the number of results of 22 queries at OpenVAERS. OpenVAERS (which I learned about through Steve K) says it provides the same data as the government.
Edit: I’m inclined to think that a major reason that the number for 2021 is higher in my chart is because I produced my chart 3 weeks later. As of Jan 17 2022, the number of deaths reported by OpenVAERS for “covid19” in 2021 is 21,427, giving an average rate of 412 weekly death reports. I was surprised to learn that only 46% of these were for age 65+, but it turns out that only 16% of these are for under age 65, so apparently 38% of the deaths occurred in people with no age whatsoever. Also, while the number of death reports is greater in the second half of the year, there has been a dramatic increase in ageless death reports since June. Hmm… it seems like about 15,558 of the reports were filed since I last checked in June, of which about 6800 of the new reports are ageless (44%). That is pretty weird. And indeed, the first report I clicked on at random, said that a person of unknown age and gender in an unknown state, with unknown medical history, suffered from an unknown cause of death on an unknown date after taking a JANSSEN vaccine! I don’t think this is what Weinstein and Kirsch had in mind when they talked about underreporting!