The loan shark business seemed forced. Given the success he already had he just didn’t need a loan from a loan shark. The loan shark didn’t even give him that much cash. He couldn’t have earned way, way more money than that in the time it took to round him up. At least, I could with that kind of intelligence boost.
Friendly neighborhood inferential distance surveyor: it sounded like your point was about forgetfulness, not taking the loan in the first place. In general, when you say “A, then B, even though C”, it sounds like A is context-setting and B is what C should have prevented (as opposed to “C should have prevented A and B”). Except when it doesn’t.
The loan shark business seemed forced. Given the success he already had he just didn’t need a loan from a loan shark. The loan shark didn’t even give him that much cash. He couldn’t have earned way, way more money than that in the time it took to round him up. At least, I could with that kind of intelligence boost.
That was my point.
Friendly neighborhood inferential distance surveyor: it sounded like your point was about forgetfulness, not taking the loan in the first place. In general, when you say “A, then B, even though C”, it sounds like A is context-setting and B is what C should have prevented (as opposed to “C should have prevented A and B”). Except when it doesn’t.
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