Hence the complete lack of interest on the part of reductionists in impartially examining the accumulated body of evidence for psi phenomena, rivalled only by the lack of interest of young-earth creationists in impartially examining the accumulated body of evidence from geology and paleontology.
It can’t possibly exist, therefore any evidence must be poorly controlled, fake, delusional, etc., thus not we’re not interested in hearing about it. . .
“a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest. . .”—Paul Simon, The Boxer
Hence the complete lack of interest on the part of reductionists in impartially examining the accumulated body of evidence for psi phenomena, rivalled only by the lack of interest of young-earth creationists in impartially examining the accumulated body of evidence from geology and paleontology.
It can’t possibly exist, therefore any evidence must be poorly controlled, fake, delusional, etc., thus not we’re not interested in hearing about it. . .
“a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest. . .”—Paul Simon, The Boxer