Agree completely. (Even though I am guilty of using the word myself below.) But most of this post seems to be based on linearity of preference, which imho can usually only be justified by muddling around with utilities. So maybe that is the place to start?
EDIT: To clarify, I mean that maybe the reason to reject Person 1′s argument is because it implicitly appeals to notions of utility when claiming you should maximize expected DALYs.
Agree completely. (Even though I am guilty of using the word myself below.) But most of this post seems to be based on linearity of preference, which imho can usually only be justified by muddling around with utilities. So maybe that is the place to start?
EDIT: To clarify, I mean that maybe the reason to reject Person 1′s argument is because it implicitly appeals to notions of utility when claiming you should maximize expected DALYs.