You could end up double-standing. Transcend to a new level of up? Walk up some stairs, perhaps?
Indeed. What is to standing, as standing is to sitting? What is to walking, as walking is to crawling? What is to humans, as humans are to their pets? What is to 3D movement, as 3D movement is to 2D?
Or something.
What is to standing, as standing is to sitting?
What is to walking, as walking is to crawling?
What is to humans, as humans are to their pets?
What is to 3D movement, as 3D movement is to 2D?
4D movement.
Hopping. Each time you halve the number of limbs involved.
Standing like a chicken, with your knee and hip joints bent the wrong way.
You could end up double-standing. Transcend to a new level of up? Walk up some stairs, perhaps?
Indeed. What is to standing, as standing is to sitting? What is to walking, as walking is to crawling? What is to humans, as humans are to their pets? What is to 3D movement, as 3D movement is to 2D?
Or something.
4D movement.
Hopping. Each time you halve the number of limbs involved.
Standing like a chicken, with your knee and hip joints bent the wrong way.