I would be even less charitable. Politics is mainly about memorizing arguments for your position someone else came up with, presenting them well, and making them sound like responses to your opponents’ memorized arguments, and strategically emphasizing the more moderate aspects of your position (if not plainly lying about the less moderate aspects) to appeal to the median voter.
When I studied business management, I always felt revulsion toward my marketing courses. Now my cousin has just finished a post-graduate degree in “political marketing,” which drives my revulsion to critical mass.
I would be even less charitable. Politics is mainly about memorizing arguments for your position someone else came up with, presenting them well, and making them sound like responses to your opponents’ memorized arguments, and strategically emphasizing the more moderate aspects of your position (if not plainly lying about the less moderate aspects) to appeal to the median voter.
When I studied business management, I always felt revulsion toward my marketing courses. Now my cousin has just finished a post-graduate degree in “political marketing,” which drives my revulsion to critical mass.