I should add that there’s almost nothing he has to say about religion that I actually disagree with, I just wouldn’t use his turns of phrase to my religious friends
You use different rhetoric to energize the base than to sway the undecideds. Hitchens often acts as a cheerleader. All of the big four do from time to time—well, maybe not Dennett.
Hitch has the strongest line in work-the-base rhetoric and so provides a good example of the sort of rhetoric you shouldn’t use when trying to sway the undecideds, which was Yvain’s point.
You use different rhetoric to energize the base than to sway the undecideds. Hitchens often acts as a cheerleader. All of the big four do from time to time—well, maybe not Dennett.
Hitch has the strongest line in work-the-base rhetoric and so provides a good example of the sort of rhetoric you shouldn’t use when trying to sway the undecideds, which was Yvain’s point.