Yvain: “I’m a precedent utilitarian. I try to maximize utility, except when doing so would set a bad precedent that would lower utility later.”
I think this is an odd thing to say. Any utilitarian ought to be declining short-term gains that result in long-term losses. So why the need for this specific disclaimer?
Yvain seems to be using the term to mean a utilitarian (in the pure sense) who scrupulously considers the force of his example. The implication is that many don’t—we’re not talking about perfectly rational beings here, just people who agree with the principle of utility maximization.
Yvain: “I’m a precedent utilitarian. I try to maximize utility, except when doing so would set a bad precedent that would lower utility later.”
I think this is an odd thing to say. Any utilitarian ought to be declining short-term gains that result in long-term losses. So why the need for this specific disclaimer?
Yvain seems to be using the term to mean a utilitarian (in the pure sense) who scrupulously considers the force of his example. The implication is that many don’t—we’re not talking about perfectly rational beings here, just people who agree with the principle of utility maximization.