What does follow, is you making fairly strong evidence of you coming here just to vote, for many pages, until a post is made that gets you to post. Don’t like it, don’t read it, and don’t talk here of the people who just click on the list of recent posts, that would fluctuate wildly.
What does follow, is you making fairly strong evidence of you coming here just to vote, for many pages, until a post is made that gets you to post. Don’t like it, don’t read it, and don’t talk here of the people who just click on the list of recent posts, that would fluctuate wildly.
How dare you insinuate that I read the recent comments thread, vote as I deem appropriate and then sometimes comment myself!
Oh, no, wait. That’s more or less accurate. Yet somehow you seem to be using it as a vile accusation.
Yea, and the first one to comment being the one i disagreed on the evo psych about, totally doesn’t propagate anywhere.