When I last looked more into Ivermectin and India I found that both https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2021/may/12/covid-19-uttarakhand-govt-to-distributeivermectin-tablets-to-allresidents-2301677.html and https://indianexpress.com/article/india/goa-prescribes-ivermectin-for-all-above-18-irrespective-of-symptoms-7310158/ are about decisions to generally give it to all people.
https://www.palmerfoundation.com.au/india-mumbai-move-for-ivermectin-prophylaxis-while-uttar-pradesh-smashes-covid-19-but-drugs-use-suppressed-in-media/ unfortuantely doesn’t say exactly how often it was used in Uttar Pradesh but suggest it’s use for prophylaxis at the end of May was enough to have a big effect. In my own reasoning them predicting three months ago that their strategy involving invermectin does the job matters.
When I last looked more into Ivermectin and India I found that both https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2021/may/12/covid-19-uttarakhand-govt-to-distributeivermectin-tablets-to-allresidents-2301677.html and https://indianexpress.com/article/india/goa-prescribes-ivermectin-for-all-above-18-irrespective-of-symptoms-7310158/ are about decisions to generally give it to all people.
https://www.palmerfoundation.com.au/india-mumbai-move-for-ivermectin-prophylaxis-while-uttar-pradesh-smashes-covid-19-but-drugs-use-suppressed-in-media/ unfortuantely doesn’t say exactly how often it was used in Uttar Pradesh but suggest it’s use for prophylaxis at the end of May was enough to have a big effect. In my own reasoning them predicting three months ago that their strategy involving invermectin does the job matters.