Why not take this time to deal with some irrationalities surrounding death and the identity?
Please tell me what happens in physical terms when someone dies? It is obviously not as simple as a stopped heart/​brain activity if you take the transhumanist view of things.
How many potential different human beings are there? Are they all different in important ways (e.g. how many apples they remember having eaten). Should we mourn when one human being eats an apple and thus changes his memories and therefore the potential human that he is.
If not how many potential importantly different humans are there?
Identity (and the destruction of the same) is one of the things that people have a lot of trouble being rational about.
Why not take this time to deal with some irrationalities surrounding death and the identity?
Please tell me what happens in physical terms when someone dies? It is obviously not as simple as a stopped heart/​brain activity if you take the transhumanist view of things.
How many potential different human beings are there? Are they all different in important ways (e.g. how many apples they remember having eaten). Should we mourn when one human being eats an apple and thus changes his memories and therefore the potential human that he is.
If not how many potential importantly different humans are there?
Identity (and the destruction of the same) is one of the things that people have a lot of trouble being rational about.