I took the meaning to be “therefore you think there are some nonsentient things I should be forbidden to eat”. I agree that as written the other meaning is a more natural interpretation, but in the context of the rest of the article I think my interpretation is more likely (exactly because otherwise it would involve an entirely different logical error). philh, would you like to confirm or refute?
[EDITED to fix an idiotic mistake: for some reason I thought Elo, not philh, was the author. My apologies to both.]
I took the meaning to be “therefore you think there are some nonsentient things I should be forbidden to eat”. I agree that as written the other meaning is a more natural interpretation, but in the context of the rest of the article I think my interpretation is more likely (exactly because otherwise it would involve an entirely different logical error). philh, would you like to confirm or refute?
[EDITED to fix an idiotic mistake: for some reason I thought Elo, not philh, was the author. My apologies to both.]
Yes, that’s what I was going for.
My apologies for writing “Elo” where I meant “philh” in the grandparent of this comment. I’ve fixed it now.
Can I take the credit for writing things I did not write? Cause that would be sweet.