Citation needed. I can’t recall ever observing behavior like that by a religious person.
What is really happening is that religions have already been selected to be non-falsifiable. The new adherent to an ancient religion doesn’t have to do a lot of work to disqualify observations. The religion is already adapted to be mostly-compatible with the world as currently known, and not to be vulnerable to simple disproofs. When knowledge changes, some clever adherent comes up with a clever explanation, which is quickly disseminated to the faithful.
I don’t know why this was downvoted. As long as the religion has an accurate model of the world and the observations it will need to excuse, the individual adherents do not need one.
Citation needed. I can’t recall ever observing behavior like that by a religious person.
What is really happening is that religions have already been selected to be non-falsifiable. The new adherent to an ancient religion doesn’t have to do a lot of work to disqualify observations. The religion is already adapted to be mostly-compatible with the world as currently known, and not to be vulnerable to simple disproofs. When knowledge changes, some clever adherent comes up with a clever explanation, which is quickly disseminated to the faithful.
I don’t know why this was downvoted. As long as the religion has an accurate model of the world and the observations it will need to excuse, the individual adherents do not need one.