There’s a massive difference between thinking that certain stones have “healing properties” and claiming to see spirits. The first is regular New Age junk beliefs, the second is substantially more disturbing and may indicate serious mental health issues, or some form of special-snowflake syndrome. Has seen anyone for counseling?
IANAD, but from what I understand, hallucinations are symptoms of mental illness, but aren’t much of a problem on their own. The part of schizophrenia that I’d be worried about is that people start making nonsensical logical leaps in a manner that seems pretty indistinguishable from explanations for new age beliefs.
That seems valid, but it may help to note that the sort of leaps in logic made by schizophrenics are generally much more personalized and confused than typical New Age explanations, whereas the NA explanations at least fall into large forms where if you recognize the broad patterns. For example, “nuclear powered rats in the sewer” is clearly schizophrenic (that’s an actual paraphrase of a statement from a schizophrenic) whereas “obsidian helps centering the chakras because its black character absorbs the negativity” is pretty clear New Age. Schizophrenics also much more frequently involve things like very strange wordplay and puns in their logic. I’d point to this paper, but the paper is in German. At one point, I had a summary of the paper in English, but that was a very long time ago and I don’t know where it is now. This paper seems to give similar examples in English (with no comment about the correctness of their thesis on my part since I haven’t had time to look at that aspect).
Note also that schizophrenia isn’t the only mental illness with hallucinatory elements.
Not in a long time—she says that she had an informal diagnosis of bipolar disorder, but the psychiatrist she saw was “obsessed” with her weight and put her on Topamax to get her to lose weight but she stopped taking it because the side effects were awful and the doctor just insisted that she take it anyway. She hasn’t seen a psychiatrist in years because she works as a part-time cashier and has really awful health insurance.
And she probably wouldn’t tell this to a doctor anyway...
As for weight, try getting her on aikido as it is a very “spiritual” form of exercise (not bad for self defense either) and veganism, probably she is open to the idea (not eating stuff with souls etc.) and while it is not the best diet out there it tends to keep the calorie count low. Another idea is to explain how refined sugar is an industrial product and not natural. This does not actually matter, but it may matter for her, and it is a good idea. I.e. to get her sugar from natural or dried fruits only, it can make her feel more close-to-nature at eating and actually gives a better satiety / sugar ratio and an overall calorie reduction probably.
I find it curious that this post is being down voted. While the weight issue doesn’t address the new age or spiritual stuff, it does impact self esteem (which may or may not be intermingled with some of the more far out things she’s confessed to experiencing). Besides, being healthy is just a generally good thing.
I feel that tailoring your approach to be more new age-y as Hollander suggested would be more effective—as in the wraith example above, it’s within the rules she seems to operate by. However, I’m not sure how you would broach the subject without causing more problems. You kind of need her to want this for herself before you can do anything.
I find it curious that this post is being down voted.
It gives bad advice. Aikido isn’t particularly spiritual, it’s a grappling martial art. Even things like internal styles of Chinese martial arts which pay a great deal of attention to the flow of chi are not likely to be considered “spiritual” in the American South. And I doubt that she’ll actually like aikido.
Advice to go vegan is suspect, too. Vegans actually have to keep track of their nutrition to avoid deficiencies, if you just blindly stop eating anything animal you are likely to have health problems soon enough.
Aikido isn’t particularly spiritual, it’s a grappling martial art.
That really depends what branch of aikido you study and how deeply into the fluffy bits your teacher is. Ueshiba sensei changed his methodology quite a bit over his life, and students of his that studied at different points came away with very different levels of emphasis on technique vs. Shinto-derived esoterica; generally speaking, chronologically later branches tend to be softer and to have more esoteric emphasis. I’ve seen aikido schools that spent half or more of their mat time on lecture and meditation.
But yeah, it’s probably not great advice in context. Even the most physically demanding branches of aikido probably aren’t going to do much as far as controlling weight is concerned, unless she’s willing to spend large chunks of her free time on them, and those also tend to be the hardest and least “spiritual”.
Hmm… I was going to say that I haven’t seen an aikido school that focused that much on the fluffy bits, but then I realized that it’s probably the result of my own selection. I tend to be suspicious of martial arts schools that pay great attention to “esoteric” things because I think that it ends up being mostly bullshit and their students can’t actually do things. At least that’s how it usually works for the American suburban-mall schools—my approach would be different in Hong Kong or Singapore. In places like NYC/LA/SF, well, my impression is that it’s possible to find senseis/sifus who know what they are talking about, but the default “fluffy bits” school still isn’t the place to go to.
To be fair, I haven’t seen many of them. They exist, but I don’t think they tend to be very successful in the West; there’s a market for martial arts steeped in mystical fluff, but the Omoto-kyo Shintoism that the more esoteric aikido branches are rooted in is deeply weird even by Japanese standards, and it doesn’t fit particularly well with the watered-down holism-and-wellness narrative that Western students who’re so inclined tend to expect.
The branch of aikido I’m most familiar with is Yoshinkan, which is one of the earlier, harder ones.
Interesting. I looked up Omoto-kyo and it seems I have underestimated its weirdness. Zamenhof as a kami is an… unusual idea :-/
But returning full circle, it doesn’t seem wise for a girl who sees spirits to start a practice the mystical bits of which involve possession by spirits...
There’s a massive difference between thinking that certain stones have “healing properties” and claiming to see spirits. The first is regular New Age junk beliefs, the second is substantially more disturbing and may indicate serious mental health issues, or some form of special-snowflake syndrome. Has seen anyone for counseling?
IANAD, but from what I understand, hallucinations are symptoms of mental illness, but aren’t much of a problem on their own. The part of schizophrenia that I’d be worried about is that people start making nonsensical logical leaps in a manner that seems pretty indistinguishable from explanations for new age beliefs.
That seems valid, but it may help to note that the sort of leaps in logic made by schizophrenics are generally much more personalized and confused than typical New Age explanations, whereas the NA explanations at least fall into large forms where if you recognize the broad patterns. For example, “nuclear powered rats in the sewer” is clearly schizophrenic (that’s an actual paraphrase of a statement from a schizophrenic) whereas “obsidian helps centering the chakras because its black character absorbs the negativity” is pretty clear New Age. Schizophrenics also much more frequently involve things like very strange wordplay and puns in their logic. I’d point to this paper, but the paper is in German. At one point, I had a summary of the paper in English, but that was a very long time ago and I don’t know where it is now. This paper seems to give similar examples in English (with no comment about the correctness of their thesis on my part since I haven’t had time to look at that aspect).
Note also that schizophrenia isn’t the only mental illness with hallucinatory elements.
Not in a long time—she says that she had an informal diagnosis of bipolar disorder, but the psychiatrist she saw was “obsessed” with her weight and put her on Topamax to get her to lose weight but she stopped taking it because the side effects were awful and the doctor just insisted that she take it anyway. She hasn’t seen a psychiatrist in years because she works as a part-time cashier and has really awful health insurance.
And she probably wouldn’t tell this to a doctor anyway...
As for weight, try getting her on aikido as it is a very “spiritual” form of exercise (not bad for self defense either) and veganism, probably she is open to the idea (not eating stuff with souls etc.) and while it is not the best diet out there it tends to keep the calorie count low. Another idea is to explain how refined sugar is an industrial product and not natural. This does not actually matter, but it may matter for her, and it is a good idea. I.e. to get her sugar from natural or dried fruits only, it can make her feel more close-to-nature at eating and actually gives a better satiety / sugar ratio and an overall calorie reduction probably.
I find it curious that this post is being down voted. While the weight issue doesn’t address the new age or spiritual stuff, it does impact self esteem (which may or may not be intermingled with some of the more far out things she’s confessed to experiencing). Besides, being healthy is just a generally good thing.
I feel that tailoring your approach to be more new age-y as Hollander suggested would be more effective—as in the wraith example above, it’s within the rules she seems to operate by. However, I’m not sure how you would broach the subject without causing more problems. You kind of need her to want this for herself before you can do anything.
In any case, good luck Crono.
Solving eating issues isn’t just about making a person think that eating sugar is bad. The girl likely already considers sugar to be bad.
But understanding that sugar is bad for you and having the will power to avoid eating sweets are two different things.
It gives bad advice. Aikido isn’t particularly spiritual, it’s a grappling martial art. Even things like internal styles of Chinese martial arts which pay a great deal of attention to the flow of chi are not likely to be considered “spiritual” in the American South. And I doubt that she’ll actually like aikido.
Advice to go vegan is suspect, too. Vegans actually have to keep track of their nutrition to avoid deficiencies, if you just blindly stop eating anything animal you are likely to have health problems soon enough.
That really depends what branch of aikido you study and how deeply into the fluffy bits your teacher is. Ueshiba sensei changed his methodology quite a bit over his life, and students of his that studied at different points came away with very different levels of emphasis on technique vs. Shinto-derived esoterica; generally speaking, chronologically later branches tend to be softer and to have more esoteric emphasis. I’ve seen aikido schools that spent half or more of their mat time on lecture and meditation.
But yeah, it’s probably not great advice in context. Even the most physically demanding branches of aikido probably aren’t going to do much as far as controlling weight is concerned, unless she’s willing to spend large chunks of her free time on them, and those also tend to be the hardest and least “spiritual”.
Hmm… I was going to say that I haven’t seen an aikido school that focused that much on the fluffy bits, but then I realized that it’s probably the result of my own selection. I tend to be suspicious of martial arts schools that pay great attention to “esoteric” things because I think that it ends up being mostly bullshit and their students can’t actually do things. At least that’s how it usually works for the American suburban-mall schools—my approach would be different in Hong Kong or Singapore. In places like NYC/LA/SF, well, my impression is that it’s possible to find senseis/sifus who know what they are talking about, but the default “fluffy bits” school still isn’t the place to go to.
To be fair, I haven’t seen many of them. They exist, but I don’t think they tend to be very successful in the West; there’s a market for martial arts steeped in mystical fluff, but the Omoto-kyo Shintoism that the more esoteric aikido branches are rooted in is deeply weird even by Japanese standards, and it doesn’t fit particularly well with the watered-down holism-and-wellness narrative that Western students who’re so inclined tend to expect.
The branch of aikido I’m most familiar with is Yoshinkan, which is one of the earlier, harder ones.
Interesting. I looked up Omoto-kyo and it seems I have underestimated its weirdness. Zamenhof as a kami is an… unusual idea :-/
But returning full circle, it doesn’t seem wise for a girl who sees spirits to start a practice the mystical bits of which involve possession by spirits...