You should give more credit to the emotional part of your brain :) It’s not that stupid. There’s a little extra something in-between the pain and the person causing it, that triggers the reaction of hatred against the person—probably the expectation of hostile intentions. It’s likely not a simple two-item person+pain=hatred association arc; even our emotional selves know this.
You should give more credit to the emotional part of your brain :) It’s not that stupid. There’s a little extra something in-between the pain and the person causing it, that triggers the reaction of hatred against the person—probably the expectation of hostile intentions. It’s likely not a simple two-item person+pain=hatred association arc; even our emotional selves know this.
-- Oliver W. Holmes
Dogs have been specifically bred for many thousands of years to respond to human signals.
(So have humans.)
Further evidence for this: people often become good friends with sparring partners in combat sports.