Someone downvoted your reply, Nornagest, which I really can’t understand: I upvoted it myself.
The parent is now at −2; one more down and it will disappear from view, and we will get a heavy tax for continuing.
What is happening here? Are we just not allowed to have discussions on this forum about the possible economic gains and costs of minimum wage or minimum income policy?
Someone’s probably downvoting everything in the thread, most likely on grounds of being too political for the forum. My other comments here have taken the same hit.
Obviously I don’t agree with that policy as it’s applied locally, but I can’t really blame them either. This exchange has been relatively sane, but the discussion under other comments has had points of low quality, and I’m not totally convinced that we’re better off with the thread as a whole.
Someone downvoted your reply, Nornagest, which I really can’t understand: I upvoted it myself.
The parent is now at −2; one more down and it will disappear from view, and we will get a heavy tax for continuing.
What is happening here? Are we just not allowed to have discussions on this forum about the possible economic gains and costs of minimum wage or minimum income policy?
Someone’s probably downvoting everything in the thread, most likely on grounds of being too political for the forum. My other comments here have taken the same hit.
Obviously I don’t agree with that policy as it’s applied locally, but I can’t really blame them either. This exchange has been relatively sane, but the discussion under other comments has had points of low quality, and I’m not totally convinced that we’re better off with the thread as a whole.