LOL. Not that this was an entirely serious suggestion, but what expensive equipment do you need? Why do you need special credentials or a school? Why any mistake automatically leads to death?
Lots of rope, grappling hooks, throwing stars, daggers, blowgun and darts, noiseless shoes, noiseless clothes, smoke bombs...
Why do you need special credentials or a school?
You need at least very specialized training in infiltration, poisoning, different unarmed and armed combat styles, wilderness survival...
Why any mistake automatically leads to death?
Falling off a roof, falling off a tight rope, falling off a wall, swallowing your own blow dart, cutting yourself with your own poisoned dagger, being caught by the enemy...
You need at least very specialized training in infiltration, poisoning, different unarmed and armed combat styles, wilderness survival...
In the same way that being a programmer requires very specialized training in microprocessor architectures, assembler, design and properties of algorithms, software architectures, standard libraries...
LOL. Not that this was an entirely serious suggestion, but what expensive equipment do you need? Why do you need special credentials or a school? Why any mistake automatically leads to death?
Lots of rope, grappling hooks, throwing stars, daggers, blowgun and darts, noiseless shoes, noiseless clothes, smoke bombs...
You need at least very specialized training in infiltration, poisoning, different unarmed and armed combat styles, wilderness survival...
Falling off a roof, falling off a tight rope, falling off a wall, swallowing your own blow dart, cutting yourself with your own poisoned dagger, being caught by the enemy...
That would be a cotton T-shirt :-)
In the same way that being a programmer requires very specialized training in microprocessor architectures, assembler, design and properties of algorithms, software architectures, standard libraries...
You can teach yourself to code. You can’t teach yourself to fight a dozen armed guards.
Strictly speaking, I’d say you can’t successfully teach yourself to fight a dozen armed guards.
If a ninja has to fight a dozen armed guards, the ninja has already failed :-P