Gregory looked at the sky contemplatively, arms folded across his chest. “It all seems very obvious to me,” he said “that if anyone was REALLY concerned about the color of the sky, what they ought to have done was sent scouts to the surface immediately to determine who was correct, instead of arguing pointlessly without any evidence.”
Even trying to work out what the colour of a spectrum resulting from Rayleigh scattering would be, would be better than nothing. (I once did that without even knowing I was doing that—I was trying to determine what colour a black body would be in the limit of infinite temperature.)
Gregory looked at the sky contemplatively, arms folded across his chest. “It all seems very obvious to me,” he said “that if anyone was REALLY concerned about the color of the sky, what they ought to have done was sent scouts to the surface immediately to determine who was correct, instead of arguing pointlessly without any evidence.”
With a disgusted snort, he returned underground.
Even trying to work out what the colour of a spectrum resulting from Rayleigh scattering would be, would be better than nothing. (I once did that without even knowing I was doing that—I was trying to determine what colour a black body would be in the limit of infinite temperature.)