Could I suggest that you actually read the article? Authorities aren’t necessarily correct, and so it would be fallacy to appeal to an authority as necessarily correct… (but what , for a Bayesian, would be necessarily correct...?) …even so, “authorities can be correct in their field of reasoning” (and are more likely to be than non state, in theory, what everyone does in practice)
Could I suggest that you actually read the article? Authorities aren’t necessarily correct, and so it would be fallacy to appeal to an authority as necessarily correct… (but what , for a Bayesian, would be necessarily correct...?) …even so, “authorities can be correct in their field of reasoning” (and are more likely to be than non state, in theory, what everyone does in practice)
I think I just misunderstood the referent of “the fallacy” in the great-grandparent, i.e., the fallacy in general / the alleged fallacy above...
Anyway, cheerfully withdrawn.