Uh, someone having a script for your life that they require you to fit does not make them Omega—it just means they are attempting to dominate you and you are going along with it, like in many ordinary relationships. Admittedly I may be biased myself from having been burnt, but this is a plain old relationship problem, not Newcomb’s problem. The answer is not a new decision theory, but to get out of the unhealthy and manipulative relationship.
I concur with JGWeissman’s prediction. I just don’t find it credible that time-binding apes, faced with the seconds of their life ticking away in misery, will just grin and put up with it without massive outside pressure, based on how said apes generally actually behave.
So, it’s eight months later. How are Joe and Kate doing?
There are (human) apes that will. I think that you’re underestimating how -for lack of a better word-, deontologically/morally, some people see things. Also (or maybe this is what I mean by deontologically) how much of a self image someone can tied up in being a person who doesn’t break promises or how -for lack of a better word (that I can think of) literally people can think of breaking specific commitments.
Well, except the grinning. In any case if the marriage goes badly Kate is free to leave so unless it goes so badly she wants to string him along to torment him he can always ask her to end it.
also this, “I just don’t find it credible that time-binding apes, faced with the seconds of their life ticking away in misery, will just grin and put up with it without massive outside pressure.” They do.
Uh, someone having a script for your life that they require you to fit does not make them Omega—it just means they are attempting to dominate you and you are going along with it, like in many ordinary relationships. Admittedly I may be biased myself from having been burnt, but this is a plain old relationship problem, not Newcomb’s problem. The answer is not a new decision theory, but to get out of the unhealthy and manipulative relationship.
I concur with JGWeissman’s prediction. I just don’t find it credible that time-binding apes, faced with the seconds of their life ticking away in misery, will just grin and put up with it without massive outside pressure, based on how said apes generally actually behave.
So, it’s eight months later. How are Joe and Kate doing?
There are (human) apes that will. I think that you’re underestimating how -for lack of a better word-, deontologically/morally, some people see things. Also (or maybe this is what I mean by deontologically) how much of a self image someone can tied up in being a person who doesn’t break promises or how -for lack of a better word (that I can think of) literally people can think of breaking specific commitments.
Well, except the grinning. In any case if the marriage goes badly Kate is free to leave so unless it goes so badly she wants to string him along to torment him he can always ask her to end it.
also this, “I just don’t find it credible that time-binding apes, faced with the seconds of their life ticking away in misery, will just grin and put up with it without massive outside pressure.” They do.