Maybe this is off topic, but if I’m getting tested for iron deficiency, are there other tests it would make sense to do at the same time (if I’m vegan)? I’m optimizing for minimizing number of doctor’s visits/blood draws rather than minimizing cost.
I haven’t quantified these, but the other classic vegan deficiencies are Vitamin D and B12. has a decent guide to veganism, although I find them less than totally thorough.
You can donate blood which has other health benefits and they will tell you blood ferritin since they need to test that to allow you to donate. If you are iron deficient they will turn you away.
Maybe this is off topic, but if I’m getting tested for iron deficiency, are there other tests it would make sense to do at the same time (if I’m vegan)? I’m optimizing for minimizing number of doctor’s visits/blood draws rather than minimizing cost.
I haven’t quantified these, but the other classic vegan deficiencies are Vitamin D and B12. has a decent guide to veganism, although I find them less than totally thorough.
You can donate blood which has other health benefits and they will tell you blood ferritin since they need to test that to allow you to donate. If you are iron deficient they will turn you away.
The Red Cross tests hemoglobin but not ferritin, which is insufficient.