The original tweets seem at least partially tongue-in-cheek? Trade has lots of benefits that don’t depend on the net balance. If Country A buys $10B of goods from Country B and sells $9B of other goods to country B, that is $19B of positive-sum transactions between individual entities in each country, presumably with all sorts of positive externalities and implications about your economy.
The fact that the net flow is $1B in one direction or the other just doesn’t matter too much. Having a large trade surplus (or large trade deficit) is a proxy for generally doing lots of trading and industry, which will tend to correlate with a lot of other things that made or will make you wealthy. But it would be weird if a country could get rich solely by running a trade surplus, while somehow avoiding reaping any of the other usual benefits of trading. “Paying other countries to discern your peoples’ ability to produce” is plausibly a benefit that you get from a trade surplus even if you try hard to avoid all the others, though.
The original tweets seem at least partially tongue-in-cheek? Trade has lots of benefits that don’t depend on the net balance. If Country A buys $10B of goods from Country B and sells $9B of other goods to country B, that is $19B of positive-sum transactions between individual entities in each country, presumably with all sorts of positive externalities and implications about your economy.
The fact that the net flow is $1B in one direction or the other just doesn’t matter too much. Having a large trade surplus (or large trade deficit) is a proxy for generally doing lots of trading and industry, which will tend to correlate with a lot of other things that made or will make you wealthy. But it would be weird if a country could get rich solely by running a trade surplus, while somehow avoiding reaping any of the other usual benefits of trading. “Paying other countries to discern your peoples’ ability to produce” is plausibly a benefit that you get from a trade surplus even if you try hard to avoid all the others, though.