Do write the PhD thesis and get the PhD whose lack makes you complain a bit too often)))
On a more serious note—same thing as Musashi says is all too often said about chess (always think how to make a checkmate). And in both cases it seems to be a heuristics at best. We do not have the chess programming the best chess-playing computers have (nor the fencing one). And we do seem to be able to think about next steps better than the steps after them. So it seems plausible that sometimes we are to forget the enemy king/body and defend our own, for we, being imperfect, will lose ours otherwise well before getting to the enemy.
Do write the PhD thesis and get the PhD whose lack makes you complain a bit too often)))
On a more serious note—same thing as Musashi says is all too often said about chess (always think how to make a checkmate). And in both cases it seems to be a heuristics at best. We do not have the chess programming the best chess-playing computers have (nor the fencing one). And we do seem to be able to think about next steps better than the steps after them. So it seems plausible that sometimes we are to forget the enemy king/body and defend our own, for we, being imperfect, will lose ours otherwise well before getting to the enemy.