Next, let’s turn to the charge that Omega favors irrationalists. I can conceive of a superbeing who rewards only people >born with a particular gene, regardless of their choices. I can conceive of a superbeing who rewards people whose >brains inscribe the particular algorithm of “Describe your options in English and choose the last option when ordered >alphabetically,” but who does not reward anyone who chooses the same option for a different reason. But Omega >rewards people who choose to take only box B, regardless of which algorithm they use to arrive at this decision, and >this is why I don’t buy the charge that Omega is rewarding the irrational. Omega doesn’t care whether or not you follow >some particular ritual of cognition; Omega only cares about your predicted decision.
because Omega doesn’t reward people for their choice to pick box B, he rewards them for being implementations of any of the many algorithms that would pick box B.
I think that the causal decision theory algorithm is the winning way for problems where your mind is not read (when you take into account that causal decision theory can be swayed to make choices so as deceive others about your real algorithm). Problems where your mind is read do not usually show up in real life. I think there is no winning way for conceivable universes in general, so I want to be an implementation of the winning algorithm for this universe, which seems to be causal decision theory.
I think you went wrong when you said:
because Omega doesn’t reward people for their choice to pick box B, he rewards them for being implementations of any of the many algorithms that would pick box B.
I think that the causal decision theory algorithm is the winning way for problems where your mind is not read (when you take into account that causal decision theory can be swayed to make choices so as deceive others about your real algorithm). Problems where your mind is read do not usually show up in real life. I think there is no winning way for conceivable universes in general, so I want to be an implementation of the winning algorithm for this universe, which seems to be causal decision theory.