You can encode 5 32 bit integers in a 1024 bit integer. The scalar/parallel distinction is bogus.
Er, not if you are adding the rewards together and maximising the results, you can’t! That is exactly what happens to the rewards used by AIXI.
Not very serious unless you are making claims about your agent being “the most intelligent unbiased agent possible”. Then this kind of thing starts to make a difference...
Strawman argument. The only claim made is that it’s the most intelligent up to a constant factor, and a bunch of other conditions are thrown in.
Actually Hutter says this sort of thing all over the place (I was quoting him above) - and it seems pretty irritating and misleading to me. I’m not saying the claims he makes in the fine print are wrong, but rather that the marketing headlines are misleading.
You can encode 5 32 bit integers in a 1024 bit integer. The scalar/parallel distinction is bogus.
Er, not if you are adding the rewards together and maximising the results, you can’t! That is exactly what happens to the rewards used by AIXI.
You’re right there, I’m confusing AIXI with another design I’ve been working with in a similar idiom. For AIXI to work, you have to combine together all the environmental stuff and compute a utility, make the code for doing the combining part of the environment (not the AI), and then use that resulting utility as the input to AIXI.
Er, not if you are adding the rewards together and maximising the results, you can’t! That is exactly what happens to the rewards used by AIXI.
Actually Hutter says this sort of thing all over the place (I was quoting him above) - and it seems pretty irritating and misleading to me. I’m not saying the claims he makes in the fine print are wrong, but rather that the marketing headlines are misleading.
You’re right there, I’m confusing AIXI with another design I’ve been working with in a similar idiom. For AIXI to work, you have to combine together all the environmental stuff and compute a utility, make the code for doing the combining part of the environment (not the AI), and then use that resulting utility as the input to AIXI.