I just figured out a possible bit of twisty logic while listening to the podcast that I didn’t notice on first read through.
I’ve spoilered this entire thing even though I probably don’t need to, just so that you can can figure it out yourself If you want. I think it explains Dumbledore’s otherwise incomprehensible behavior in chapter 17.
Cebsrffbe Qhzoyrqber frg hc gur ragver guvat jvgu Uneel’f Nhag, naq ur ncbybtvmrq sbe znavchyngvat guvatf va gung snfuvba. Naq Uneel qvqa’g haqrefgnaq vg orpnhfr Qhzoyrqber vf n ovg qvfgenpgvat.
Puncgre 1:
“Naljnl,” Crghavn fnvq, ure ibvpr fznyy, “fur tnir va. Fur gbyq zr vg jnf qnatrebhf, naq V fnvq V qvqa’g pner nal zber, naq V qenax guvf cbgvba naq V jnf fvpx sbe jrrxf, ohg jura V tbg orggre zl fxva pyrnerq hc naq V svanyyl svyyrq bhg naq… V jnf ornhgvshy, crbcyr jrer avpr gb zr,” ure ibvpr oebxr, “naq nsgre gung V pbhyqa’g ungr zl fvfgre nal zber, rfcrpvnyyl jura V yrnearq jung ure zntvp oebhtug ure va gur raq—”
I just figured out a possible bit of twisty logic while listening to the podcast that I didn’t notice on first read through.
I’ve spoilered this entire thing even though I probably don’t need to, just so that you can can figure it out yourself If you want. I think it explains Dumbledore’s otherwise incomprehensible behavior in chapter 17.
Cebsrffbe Qhzoyrqber frg hc gur ragver guvat jvgu Uneel’f Nhag, naq ur ncbybtvmrq sbe znavchyngvat guvatf va gung snfuvba. Naq Uneel qvqa’g haqrefgnaq vg orpnhfr Qhzoyrqber vf n ovg qvfgenpgvat.
Cbvag 1: Uneel’f Nhag Crghavn qenax n cbgvba sebz Yvyl Cbggre gung znqr ure fvpx sbe jrrxf, naq gura zber punevfzngvp.
Cbvag 2: Ba svefg ernqvat, V gubhtug “Bu ybbx, n Q&Q ersrerapr naq Qhzoyrqber vf whfg orvat enaqbz.”
Ohg npghnyyl, Rntyr’f fcyraqbe vf n fcryy juvpu obbfgf punevfzn. Naq vg’f vzcyvrq gung Gurfgeny oybbq jbhyq punatr vg gb znxr lbh fvpx sbe jrrxf.
Cbvag 3: Cebsrffbe Qhzoyrqber grnef urer vaqvpngr ur srryf crefbanyyl erfcbafvoyr sbe Uneel’f ragver fvghngvba. Gung qbrfa’g znxr nal frafr, hayrff ur npghnyyl unq qbar fbzrguvat .