There was a long silence in the backyard.
Then a boy’s voice said, calmly and quietly, “What.”
Harry just stood there, stunned.
That was… unexpected…
The skeptical part of himself noted that he still hadn’t seen anything
that violated the known laws of the universe. Surely a little conspiracy
was far, far less improbable than the universe really working like that.
But it was also a technique of rationality to notice when you were
confused. To stop and say: wait a minute, that feels a little off, my
understanding of the world didn’t predict for that to happen. Even if Harry
tried to explain the day’s events by sudden insanity or unmotivated
conspiracies, that didn’t put everything back to normal. It didn’t make
the day’s events expected. It didn’t make him feel not-confused. There was
no denying that something very, very, very odd was going on.
Harry looked up at the sky, and began laughing. He couldn’t seem to
help himself.
This is the most improbable day of my life.
There was a long silence in the backyard. Then a boy’s voice said, calmly and quietly, “What.”
Harry just stood there, stunned. That was… unexpected… The skeptical part of himself noted that he still hadn’t seen anything that violated the known laws of the universe. Surely a little conspiracy was far, far less improbable than the universe really working like that. But it was also a technique of rationality to notice when you were confused. To stop and say: wait a minute, that feels a little off, my understanding of the world didn’t predict for that to happen. Even if Harry tried to explain the day’s events by sudden insanity or unmotivated conspiracies, that didn’t put everything back to normal. It didn’t make the day’s events expected. It didn’t make him feel not-confused. There was no denying that something very, very, very odd was going on. Harry looked up at the sky, and began laughing. He couldn’t seem to help himself. This is the most improbable day of my life.
That looks like a really good change.