I appreciate the support Sean. It’s not too difficult to write in lucid prose if it’s a subject near and dear to the heart and you allow a few hours of undivided attention, or at least that’s what I’ve found to be the case.
The list of those effects not widely agreed could include all effects below the measurement capacities of our instruments, those limited to a certain subset of people, to a certain timeframe, or those that occur very briefly. I imagine the possible list is boundless in length.
I appreciate the support Sean. It’s not too difficult to write in lucid prose if it’s a subject near and dear to the heart and you allow a few hours of undivided attention, or at least that’s what I’ve found to be the case.
The list of those effects not widely agreed could include all effects below the measurement capacities of our instruments, those limited to a certain subset of people, to a certain timeframe, or those that occur very briefly. I imagine the possible list is boundless in length.