If I was using an AI that was designed to answer some class of questions (with independently-verifiable answers) truthfully, and I noticed it responding to questions of that class with demonstrable falsehoods, I would at the very least file a strongly-worded bug report, triple-check whatever work I’d previously done involving answers it provided, and cease using it in the future. I don’t think such a response would be exceptional in it’s decisiveness; other users would likely go further, seek out venues to complain openly. Consider the uproar over Gmail’s ‘new look.’
You may be right that ceasing to use the tool in that situation would be standard behavior. It seems unlikely to me, but I have no compelling data to offer to change your estimate.
If I was using an AI that was designed to answer some class of questions (with independently-verifiable answers) truthfully, and I noticed it responding to questions of that class with demonstrable falsehoods, I would at the very least file a strongly-worded bug report, triple-check whatever work I’d previously done involving answers it provided, and cease using it in the future. I don’t think such a response would be exceptional in it’s decisiveness; other users would likely go further, seek out venues to complain openly. Consider the uproar over Gmail’s ‘new look.’
You may be right that ceasing to use the tool in that situation would be standard behavior. It seems unlikely to me, but I have no compelling data to offer to change your estimate.