It is not possible for the debt to be anywhere near 1T because the government is going to refuse to get into debts that high, not because the number is not mathematically possible.
You’re really not doing yourself any favours by claiming that the U.S. would never take on $1T of debt. It’s currently $33T, and they need to continually roll over expiring debt. (Not to mention the fact that the exact number, $1T, plays no role in my argument whatsoever other than “big number that the government would not want to pay”.)
You’re really not doing yourself any favours by claiming that the U.S. would never take on $1T of debt. It’s currently $33T, and they need to continually roll over expiring debt. (Not to mention the fact that the exact number, $1T, plays no role in my argument whatsoever other than “big number that the government would not want to pay”.)