First, from a scientific standpoint, there’s a good bit of evidence for creation as is told in the Bible—a flood and all.
I have never heard of such evidence. Could you direct me to where to find it? I think the evidence points in the opposite direction. See the Wikipedia article on flood geology, to begin with. If you believe the Earth is under 10000 years old, then you should also read this article, “Is There Really Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth?”. It was written by a Christian, and I’d like to point out the following quote from the introduction:
It is not the purpose of this paper to discuss theology, but this author firmly believes that a literal interpretation of Genesis allows for an Old-Earth view that is consistent with mainstream science. I say this only to emphasize that this paper is not intended to oppose any Christian beliefs, or to tear down anyone’s faith. Rather, the purpose of this paper is to ensure that our Faith is based firmly on Truth, and not merely wishful thinking.
I have never heard of such evidence. Could you direct me to where to find it? I think the evidence points in the opposite direction. See the Wikipedia article on flood geology, to begin with. If you believe the Earth is under 10000 years old, then you should also read this article, “Is There Really Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth?”. It was written by a Christian, and I’d like to point out the following quote from the introduction:
Explain what you mean when you use the phrase, “pure faith”.