“Strategy Letter V” (Reminder: Android vs iPhone, Oculus vs Vive, Microsoft vs Apple, Facebook vs media, Twitter vs API users, Amazon vs anything—everything in SV is ruled by ‘commoditize your complement’ and low marginal costs.)
“DDoSCoin: Cryptocurrency with a Malicious Proof-of-Work”, Wustrow & VanderSloot 2016 (Who knew HTTPS connections could provide third-party-verifiable signatures and so HTTPS is a valid Proof-of-Work and one can incentivize creating HTTPS connections and hence DDoSes?)
“Grade inflation: why weren’t the instructors all giving all A’s already?” As a prof myself I think the obvious answer is that this would take away almost all of the power we have over our students. People like power.
“Strategy Letter V” (Reminder: Android vs iPhone, Oculus vs Vive, Microsoft vs Apple, Facebook vs media, Twitter vs API users, Amazon vs anything—everything in SV is ruled by ‘commoditize your complement’ and low marginal costs.)
“DDoSCoin: Cryptocurrency with a Malicious Proof-of-Work”, Wustrow & VanderSloot 2016 (Who knew HTTPS connections could provide third-party-verifiable signatures and so HTTPS is a valid Proof-of-Work and one can incentivize creating HTTPS connections and hence DDoSes?)
“Losing My Revolution: How Many Resources Shared on Social Media Have Been Lost?”, SalahEldeen & Nelson 2012
“Learnable Programming: Designing a programming system for understanding programs”
“The Case Against Everyone’s Favorite Tax Break: The Mortgage Interest Deduction”
“Fair Division of Black-Hole Negentropy: an Introduction to Cooperative Game Theory”
“Arbitrage and equilibrium in the Team Fortress 2 economy”
“Open-access deal for particle physics: Consortium brokers agreement with 12 journals”
“Grade inflation: why weren’t the instructors all giving all A’s already?”
“Trying to See Through: A Unified Theory of Nerddom”
“Covert virtue—the signal that doesn’t bark?”
“Let Us Give To Future”
Alarm Bell Phrase
The Mongolian Wizard: “Day of the Kraken”, Michael Swanwick
“Villon’s Straight Tip To All Cross Coves”
“Detailed Discussion of Legal Rights and Duties in Lost Pet Disputes”, Berry 2010 (lost/abandoned pets are surprisingly complex legally)
“What was it like to try a rat? (Comparative Jurisprudence, part 1)”
Tendril perversion (An uncommon name for a common phenomenon; investigated by no less than Charles Darwin.)
WSJ hedcut
“Grade inflation: why weren’t the instructors all giving all A’s already?” As a prof myself I think the obvious answer is that this would take away almost all of the power we have over our students. People like power.