Agreed. The question also hides the tricky issues of what is meant by the question itself (there are multiple interpretations of “meaning of life” [to name just one issue, the extent to which such a meaning is descriptive or proscriptive], and depending on how you define it, it may or may not even be a coherent question), how one should go about answering the question (LW readers no doubt choose some form of rational methodology, but that underdetermines the approach), and what sort of thing could/should count as an answer.
Agreed. The question also hides the tricky issues of what is meant by the question itself (there are multiple interpretations of “meaning of life” [to name just one issue, the extent to which such a meaning is descriptive or proscriptive], and depending on how you define it, it may or may not even be a coherent question), how one should go about answering the question (LW readers no doubt choose some form of rational methodology, but that underdetermines the approach), and what sort of thing could/should count as an answer.