Philosopher’s meaning: Someone who believes in the existence of trees; usually hard-headed, but if you mean “realist about everything”, decidedly soft-headed.
And since I’m at it, I can’t resist myself a few more off-topic quotes:
Layman’s meaning: Almost precisely cubical and made of concrete, probably a multi-storey car park.
Philosopher’s meaning: One who believes that the morally right action is the one with the best consequences, so far as the distribution of happiness is concerned; a creature generally believed to be endowed with the propensity to ignore their own drowning children in order to push buttons which will cause mild sexual gratification in a warehouse full of rabbits.
Layman’s meaning: Substance from the planet Bentham capable of draining the super powers of Wonder Woman, or Spiderman, or some such person.
Philosopher’s meaning: Someone who really would ignore their own drowning child in order to push the rabbit-gratification button.
Layman’s meaning: That’s it! … he’s the guy that gets killed by Benthamite.
Philosopher’s meaning: A one-way dependence relation between properties or facts of one type and properties or facts of another.
Yes, you are right. As the hilarious Non-Philosopher’s Guide to Philosophical Terms says:
And since I’m at it, I can’t resist myself a few more off-topic quotes: