In part, we wanted to learn something about the degree to which donors are following the blog, following our newsletter, or following Less Wrong. I also wanted to be able to link from this post to a forthcoming interview with Benja Fallenstein that explains in more detail what we actually do at the workshops and why, but that was taking too long to complete, so I decided to just hurry up and post.
Data point: I was following the blog, which is where I first heard about the drive, but it was the comments on this thread which got me to finally donate.
I’m still surprised that it took you two weeks before mentioning it in LessWrong. Was this delay by neglect or design?
In part, we wanted to learn something about the degree to which donors are following the blog, following our newsletter, or following Less Wrong. I also wanted to be able to link from this post to a forthcoming interview with Benja Fallenstein that explains in more detail what we actually do at the workshops and why, but that was taking too long to complete, so I decided to just hurry up and post.
Data point: I was following the blog, which is where I first heard about the drive, but it was the comments on this thread which got me to finally donate.
For people stumbling upon this in the future: That interview has now been published. (Sorry to have been the cause of that delay :-/)