What I really believe, upon much reflection, is that there are two overlapping, yet distinct, classes of “wrong” actions
the first examples I thought of
I now recognize it as a clearer form of what I believe than what I had previously claimed to believe.
I don’t think this is a problem with clarity. Did you mean “believed” rather than “believe”? If you think this is a flawed mind-state rather than a defensible position, why not use “feel” instead of “belief”? In a similar vein, MixedNuts’s suggestion to replace ‘sin’ with ‘squick’ seems like it might describe and communicate your mind-state more effectively.
I don’t think this is a problem with clarity. Did you mean “believed” rather than “believe”? If you think this is a flawed mind-state rather than a defensible position, why not use “feel” instead of “belief”? In a similar vein, MixedNuts’s suggestion to replace ‘sin’ with ‘squick’ seems like it might describe and communicate your mind-state more effectively.