Note that ASCII art isn’t the only kind of art. I just asked GPT4 and Claude to both make SVGs of a knight fighting a dragon.
Here’s Claude’s attempt:
And GPT4s:
I asked them both to make it more realistic. Claude responded with the exact same thing with some extra text, GPT4 returned:
I asked followed up asking it for more muted colors and a simple background, and it returned:
I tried again, accidentally using GPT3.5 this time, which initially gave something really lame, but then said “more realistic please”, and it gave me:
Next I asked it:
It responded with this image:
<svg width="300" height="300" viewBox="0 0 300 300" xmlns="“> <!-- Background circle --> <circle cx=”150“ cy=”150” r=”140“ fill=”none” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2”/> <!-- Body --> <ellipse cx=”150“ cy=”100” rx=”30“ ry=”40” fill=”none” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <rect x=”140“ y=”140” width=”20“ height=”60” fill=”none” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <line x1=”100“ y1=”140” x2=”200“ y2=”140” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <!-- Legs --> <line x1=”150“ y1=”200” x2=”110“ y2=”270” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <line x1=”150“ y1=”200” x2=”190“ y2=”270” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <line x1=”150“ y1=”200” x2=”90“ y2=”270” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <line x1=”150“ y1=”200” x2=”210“ y2=”270” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <!-- Arms --> <line x1=”140“ y1=”140” x2=”70“ y2=”140” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <line x1=”160“ y1=”140” x2=”230“ y2=”140” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <line x1=”140“ y1=”140” x2=”60“ y2=”80” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <line x1=”160“ y1=”140” x2=”240“ y2=”80” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2″/> <!-- Head --> <circle cx=”150“ cy=”100” r=”20“ fill=”none” stroke=”black” stroke-width=”2”/> </svg>
Then I asked if it could do the Vitruvian Man as Ascii art, and it said:
O -|-|- | /|\ / \
Any chance you have the generated svg’s still, not just the resulting bitmap render?
Here was the final one:
<svg viewBox="0 0 800 600" xmlns="“> <!-- Field --> <rect x=”0“ y=”0” width=”100%” height=”100%” fill=”#8BC34A”/> <!-- Sky and sun --> <rect x=”0“ y=”0” width=”100%” height=”40%” fill=”#90CAF9″/> <circle cx=”700“ cy=”100” r=”50″ fill=”#FFEB3B”/> <!-- Mountains --> <polygon points=”100,300 300,100 500,300″ fill=”#BDBDBD”/> <polygon points=”350,400 550,200 750,400″ fill=”#9E9E9E”/> <!-- Castle --> <rect x=”200“ y=”150” width=”200“ height=”200” fill=”#F5F5F5″/> <rect x=”250“ y=”200” width=”100“ height=”100” fill=”#BDBDBD”/> <rect x=”220“ y=”190” width=”60“ height=”60” fill=”#8BC34A”/> <rect x=”320“ y=”190” width=”60“ height=”60” fill=”#8BC34A”/> <rect x=”290“ y=”230” width=”20“ height=”60” fill=”#BDBDBD”/> <polygon points=”200,150 400,150 300,100“ fill=”#F5F5F5”/> <!-- Dragon --> <path d=”M 550 400 Q 600 300 700 300 Q 800 300 750 400 Z” fill=”#F44336″/> <ellipse cx=”600“ cy=”350” rx=”100“ ry=”50” fill=”#E53935″/> <ellipse cx=”660“ cy=”330” rx=”30“ ry=”20” fill=”#F5F5F5″/> <ellipse cx=”540“ cy=”330” rx=”30“ ry=”20” fill=”#F5F5F5″/> <circle cx=”620“ cy=”340” r=”5“ fill=”#000”/> <circle cx=”580“ cy=”340” r=”5“ fill=”#000”/> <path d=”M 600 380 Q 640 400 660 350“ stroke=”#000” stroke-width=”2″ fill=”none”/> <path d=”M 600 380 Q 560 400 540 350“ stroke=”#000” stroke-width=”2″ fill=”none”/> <path d=”M 520 330 Q 580 330 600 300“ stroke=”#000” stroke-width=”2″ fill=”none”/> <path d=”M 700 350 Q 680 320 680 340“ stroke=”#000” stroke-width=”2″ fill=”none”/> <path d=”M 700 350 Q 720 320 720 340“ stroke=”#000” stroke-width=”2″ fill=”none”/> <!-- Knight --> <path d=”M 250 450 L 300 350 L 350 450 L 325 500 L 275 500 Z” fill=”#BDBDBD”/> <path d=”M 325 500 L 325 550“ stroke=”#000” stroke-width=”10″ fill=”none”/> <path d=”M 275 500 L 275 550“ stroke=”#000” stroke-width=”10″ fill=”none”/> <circle cx=”312.5“ cy=”362.5” r=”37.5″ fill=”#8BC34A”/> <rect x=”290“ y=”375” width=”45“ height=”25” fill=”#BDBDBD”/> <line x1=”312.5“ y1=”400” x2=”312.5“ y2=”480” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <circle cx=”312.5“ cy=”300” r=”50″ fill=”#BDBDBD”/> <line x1=”312.5“ y1=”300” x2=”312.5“ y2=”230” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”312.5“ y1=”250” x2=”350“ y2=”200” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”312.5“ y1=”250” x2=”275“ y2=”200” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”350“ y1=”200” x2=”375“ y2=”175” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”375“ y1=”175” x2=”425“ y2=”175” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”425“ y1=”175” x2=”450“ y2=”200” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”275“ y1=”200” x2=”225“ y2=”175” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”225“ y1=”175” x2=”175“ y2=”175” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”175“ y1=”175” x2=”150“ y2=”200” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”150“ y1=”200” x2=”175“ y2=”225” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”175“ y1=”225” x2=”225“ y2=”225” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”225“ y1=”225” x2=”275“ y2=”250” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> <line x1=”275“ y1=”250” x2=”350“ y2=”250” stroke=”#000“ stroke-width=”10”/> </svg>
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Note that ASCII art isn’t the only kind of art. I just asked GPT4 and Claude to both make SVGs of a knight fighting a dragon.
Here’s Claude’s attempt:
And GPT4s:
I asked them both to make it more realistic. Claude responded with the exact same thing with some extra text, GPT4 returned:
I asked followed up asking it for more muted colors and a simple background, and it returned:
I tried again, accidentally using GPT3.5 this time, which initially gave something really lame, but then said “more realistic please”, and it gave me:
Next I asked it:
It responded with this image:
Then I asked if it could do the Vitruvian Man as Ascii art, and it said:
Any chance you have the generated svg’s still, not just the resulting bitmap render?
Here was the final one: