This is a good name for a concept I’ve encountered in other fields. Consider climate change. {B} is the amount of fossil fuels we burn. {X} is “climate change breaks agriculture beyond repair and billions die”. {Y} is “we do not have enough energy to run civilization as we know it and billions die”. We’re Adam if we can create abundant renewable energy in a short timeframe and also develop effective carbon sequestration technology, and we’re Edgar if we remain dependent on rapidly-depleting fossil fuels.
This is a good name for a concept I’ve encountered in other fields. Consider climate change. {B} is the amount of fossil fuels we burn. {X} is “climate change breaks agriculture beyond repair and billions die”. {Y} is “we do not have enough energy to run civilization as we know it and billions die”. We’re Adam if we can create abundant renewable energy in a short timeframe and also develop effective carbon sequestration technology, and we’re Edgar if we remain dependent on rapidly-depleting fossil fuels.