Is this a link that is supposed to be readily accessible? A quick search through the source of this page doesn’t turn up any hits for “all/new” outside your post here and it’s corresponding entry in the recent comments section.
Maybe this obvious to regular users of reddit, but I had no idea you could filter lists of posts with the /r/ syntax.
But I would never think to navigate to the FAQ of a site and scroll through several hundred lines of completely unrelated text to find an instance of the link which allows me to then view a comprehensive collection of new content from said site.
Is this a link that is supposed to be readily accessible? A quick search through the source of this page doesn’t turn up any hits for “all/new” outside your post here and it’s corresponding entry in the recent comments section.
Maybe this obvious to regular users of reddit, but I had no idea you could filter lists of posts with the /r/ syntax.
So, no?
The FAQ links to that page. So presumably it’s not terribly unsupported.
I guess...
But I would never think to navigate to the FAQ of a site and scroll through several hundred lines of completely unrelated text to find an instance of the link which allows me to then view a comprehensive collection of new content from said site.
Thank you!
Shows that I am not the only village idiot here!
Who do I contact to go about fixing this thing?
I suppose you can open an issue at
done, there are a lot of issues listed there but