Here’s a list of math blogs. I don’t read all of these myself, of course. What I actually try to keep up with, apart from Tao’s blog:
Nuit Blanche, the blog of Igor Carron, which is about compressed sensing.
ChapterZero, written by a graduate student, mostly about random matrix theory.
Quomocodumque, written by Jordan Ellenberg, about nearly everything.
Three-Toed Sloth by Cosma Shalizi, who’s a statistician, about statistics and lots of other subjects.
Here’s a list of math blogs. I don’t read all of these myself, of course. What I actually try to keep up with, apart from Tao’s blog:
Nuit Blanche, the blog of Igor Carron, which is about compressed sensing.
ChapterZero, written by a graduate student, mostly about random matrix theory.
Quomocodumque, written by Jordan Ellenberg, about nearly everything.
Three-Toed Sloth by Cosma Shalizi, who’s a statistician, about statistics and lots of other subjects.