In 2013 I built a weird feature
where clicking on ”
◂◂ RSS”
at the top of a post gets you an RSS feed that runs in reverse from
that post, with a ‘new’ old post with the publication of each new new
post. It’s a bit hard to think about, and reminds me of trying to
keep tenses straight
time traveling.
I was reminded of it today when someone submitted the
post to HN, so I calculated some stats:
If you had subscribed to the reverse feed in 2013 when I
introduced it in post 740 you would
be down to an empty feed on 2019-06-03 when I published post 1,480.
In publishing this post (2,074), someone who subscribed in
2014-10-01 when I published post
1,037 should now be at the end.
At my current rate (~200/y) someone who subscribes to the reverse feed on this post today should
reach my first post around 2033.
Reverse RSS Stats
Link post
In 2013 I built a weird feature where clicking on ” ◂◂ RSS” at the top of a post gets you an RSS feed that runs in reverse from that post, with a ‘new’ old post with the publication of each new new post. It’s a bit hard to think about, and reminds me of trying to keep tenses straight when time traveling.
I was reminded of it today when someone submitted the post to HN, so I calculated some stats:
If you had subscribed to the reverse feed in 2013 when I introduced it in post 740 you would be down to an empty feed on 2019-06-03 when I published post 1,480.
In publishing this post (2,074), someone who subscribed in 2014-10-01 when I published post 1,037 should now be at the end.
At my current rate (~200/y) someone who subscribes to the reverse feed on this post today should reach my first post around 2033.
I wish more people offered feeds like this!
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