So asking “Would you like to stay young, healthy and vigorous and live as long as you like?” just gets the sincere, correct answer that they’d like to live about 80 years.
Did you ask a representative sample? It seems you are talking about what you expect to happen.
Representative, probably. Large, no. But I have a large observational sample of old people in their 60s and 70s , and unemployed people younger than that, who just don’t know what to do with all their spare time.
unemployed people younger than that, who just don’t know what to do with all their spare time
Sure, I know the type. But these “younger” people, do they express a desire to die in the near future or they still want to wait for the magic number 80?
Did you ask a representative sample? It seems you are talking about what you expect to happen.
Representative, probably. Large, no. But I have a large observational sample of old people in their 60s and 70s , and unemployed people younger than that, who just don’t know what to do with all their spare time.
I doubt they take the question seriously due to considering the notion so unlikely to be pointless to consider.
Sure, I know the type. But these “younger” people, do they express a desire to die in the near future or they still want to wait for the magic number 80?